Vital Relief Granted to BREC
BREC is thrilled to announce its successful bid for vital funding provided by Lotterywest’s COVID Relief Fund.
The COVID Relief funding was officially presented to BREC’s Executive Director Fiona de Garis at BREC last week by Don Punch, MLA Member for Bunbury.
“This support will help us to re-open our doors sooner than we’d planned. We can now jumpstart our plans into action and fill our stages with song, dance, stories, comedy and good cheer and bring our community back together.” Said Fiona de Garis, Executive Director at BREC.
Don Punch MLA, Member for Bunbury said. “The COVID-19 Relief fund is playing a vital role helping not only BREC but our entire arts and creative sector weather the storm of this pandemic and that is something that is essential for the social and economic health of our region.”
Mr Punch continues, “So many aspects of the business of BREC have been effected by the pandemic, the closure requirements, the social distancing limiting capacity of the facility, and the restrictions on interstate movements that prevent touring shows from planning their return. I expect BREC to feel those effects for quite some time to come.”
The team at BREC would like to give a heart-felt thank you to the local community for their continued support and their generous donations.
We look forward to welcoming you back to BREC in the coming months!